Application examples: micronization of materials for Electronics.

Explore the use of Star Burst for electronic related materials.
Please note: The magnifications of microscope images before and after processing are not always the same.

No. of passes: 10
Pressure: 245 MPa

Before: 27 μm
A magnified image of alumina before processing with Sugino's Star Burst wet jet milliing device

After: 3 μm

A magnified image of Alumina after Star Burst processing


No. of passes: 10
Pressure: 98 MPa

Before: 30 μm

A magnified image of Silica before processing

After: 2 μm


Tungsten Carbide

No. of passes: 3
Pressure: 137 MPa

Before: 10 μm

A magnified image of Tungsten Carbide before wet jet milling

After: 0.05 μm

A magnified image of alumina before processing with Sugino's Star Burst wet jet milliing device


No. of passes: 7
Pressure: 147 MPa

Before: 30 μm


After: 0.05 μm

Graphite at 0.5 μm after wet get milling with Star Burst

Silicon Carbide

No. of passes: 3
Pressure: 245 MPa

Before: 20 μm

Silicone carbide before it is processed with wet milling

After: 1 μm

Silicone carbide at 1 μm after being put through Sugino's Star Burst device

Metal Oxide

No. of passes: 5
Pressure: 196 MPa

Before: 200 μm

An image of metal oxide under magnification before being processed to a smaller particle size

After: 0.2 μm


Biomass Material (Cellulose)

No. of passes: 10
Pressure: 200 MPa

Before: 100 μm

Biomass cellulose material before processing

After: 10-50 nm (fiber diameter)

Magnification image of biomass cellulose after it has been processed